Potty training readiness signs

When should we start potty training our children? It’s the most frequently asked question, but unfortunately, o parents have the same answer. Regarding potty training, every child has no exact and right time.

Potty training readiness signs timing varies from one child to another. But once you observe the signs that your toddler is ready for potty training, you will automatically know it’s the perfect time.

Potty training is a big task, especially for new parents. It is an exciting stage that can be frightening sometimes. Besides, it’s a messy process that can be confusing as different ages of successful training vary from child to child. But here are some potty training readiness signs that will show you when your kid is ready to ditch the diapers.

potty training readiness signs

Things to consider before starting potty training

Toilet training is a developmental process in a child. Children’s brains and bodies constantly develop; every new stage works like the foundation for the next phase. There needs to be permanent teaching to make these developments work.

So potty training a child when he is already dealing with many changes can cause a lot of trouble. Here are a few examples of when you should never push your child in potty training:

·        Not using a bottle at night

·        Moving out or shifting to another house

·        Discouraging the breastfeeding

·        Birth of another child

·        Changing the crib to a big kid bed

·        Having any illness

·        During holidays when there are candies everywhere

·        Switching the daycare or a preschool

·        After feeling a lot of pressure from the school or a relative to potty trains your kid though he is not ready.

You must have a stable family before starting a new skill like potty training. If things are already stressful, don’t add the burden of potty training. Wait till everything gets settled and the environment is pleasant and peaceful to start the toilet training.

Signs your toddler is ready to potty train

Your child’s age is less vital than their physical and mental readiness. Here are a few potty training readiness signs:

01.   Your child shows interest

At first, your child needs to develop an interest and desire to learn to use their particular seat. Here are a few ways toddlers show they are interested in it:

·        They will start keeping themselves clean and dry

·        They like to wear underwear like big kids

·        They will show interest in going to the bathroom like you

You can make them more interested by watching together the potty training educational videos, reading the educational children’s books, and talking about it as time is going. Showing healthy toilet habits can encourage the child to adopt this behavior well. However, avoiding pushing the topic too much can be counterproductive.

The Most common readiness age falls between 18 months to 3 years periods. Your child will fall in this period depending on his signs of readiness, mostly uncontrollable dynamics. Looking closely at the signs can help find the best time to start the child.

02.   They know when they need to go

If a child is unaware of when to go to the toilet, he wouldn’t be prepared to control this process. This rule applies to both peeing and pooping. Instead of noticing the signs, like the specific facial expression or making certain faces, see if your child knows when he needs to go to the bathroom.

Here are some of the apparent signs that kids show to tell they are aware of the process.

·        They will hide behind the curtains or furniture to go

·        When they are pooping or peeing, they will touch their diapers to let you know

·        They will head toward the private room or bathroom to poop

03.   They will be able to follow your directions

It’s simple for the adults to go to the bathroom. But for toddlers, it’s a complicated process involving many steps. They will have to notice the urge to go to the bathroom, pull down their pants or underwear, sit on their potty chair, wipe, flush, and wash their hands. It can be nothing for us, but it’s a big deal for a child.

Remember that potty training is about willingness to follow this multidirectional procedure. It’s normal for them to take time.

04.   They hide to poop

If your little one has started going behind a chair to seek out a corner of the house to squat to do business in private in their diaper secretly, then it’s the perfect time for potty training. He understands when to go for personal business but associates it with any remote place.

You just have to change the association to go to the toilet and pull the pants down before sitting.

05.   Your child stays dry

When your child stays dry for more extended periods and even wakes up with dry diapers, it shows the signs that their bladder capacity is increasing daily; that is all you need for toilet training. Different studies show the relationship between the child’s readiness and their ability to keep the diaper dry.

Using super-absorbent diapers makes it more difficult to tell if they remain dry at night. Look closely at such cases.

06.   Your toddler can undress himself

Tying shoes is extremely difficult for toddlers, and the same goes for kids’ clothing. If you see the readiness signs of potty training, put him in simple underwear and pants. He is ready for toilet training if he can carefully up and down his underpants.

To make the process easier, put him in stretchable or elastic shorts and strictly avoid onesies or suits that are hard to put up and down.

07.   He poops on schedule

If you notice that your kid has the urge to the bathroom, then almost the same time each day. This means the poop timing of your toddler is becoming predictable, like before going to bed, after having a meal, or in the early morning. The regular rhythm shows that he is ready physically and mentally prepared for potty training.

In addition, if your toddler is showing the signs mentioned above, he is ready for potty training, and there are maximum chances of success rate.


What is the typical age for potty training?

Potty training success hinges on behavioral, physical, and developmental milestones. There is no fixed age for potty training, but most children show signs between the ages of 18 to 24 months. However, some children need to be more mentally and physically ready once they are three. Look for the signs to tell if your kid is ready.

What are practical tips for successful potty training?

Here are some practical potty training tips from parents that always work:

1.      Make sure your toddler is ready

2.      Use sticker chard and allow your kid to keep track.

3.      Give some rewards for the success

4.      Put the potty chair in the bathroom

5.      Make a proper schedule

What is the cause of the delay in potty training?

Potty training is late if your child has already passed three and you have been trying to toilet-train him for more than three months. The reminder resistance, medical condition, strong-willed refusal, toilet phobia, etc., generally refuse potty training.


Potty training is a big step in your little one’s life as he is moving and taking little steps toward independence. Accidents are common in this process, but you need to be patient and positive about it to make it successful.

Staying positive and peaceful will avoid difficulties, and you will have fun with your toddler during this phase of his life.